
Donating to the Open Architecture Collaborative, Inc. means enabling more community members with tools and connections to change their neighborhoods and to fight systemic disinvestment, environmental injustice, blight, and unsafe streets and public spaces. With your support, we will train more designers, skill up more community leaders, and continue to shift the dialogue for what design can do.

What Our Partners are Saying

“The experience of working with OACpdx allowed our project to exceed expectations and give our community the means to visualize and actualize their own successes. Our mission, and the way we achieve it, are forever elevated by the contribution and the dedication of this amazing resource.”

— Dave Lowe, Volunteer Services Manager, Our United Villages Portland

The support of an Open Architecture designer helps build capacity in communities so leaders can shift the balance of power, gain knowledge and access to resources. Through Open Architecture projects, marginalized community leaders gain access to decision makers, unlock funding for their nonprofit projects, learn the intricacies of the civic processes like getting a permit, and finally the they learn the potential of design to bring people from disparate neighborhoods together.

What Our Volunteers are Saying

“OAC has given me opportunities to use – and develop – my skills as a designer in ways that my “job” has not, while keeping me motivated and inspired by connecting me with other passionate, talented individuals.”

— Rayya Newman, Director, OAC DC

“Everything I’ve done with the organization has been incredible; I’ve made some of my best friends there, some of my best work contacts. I openly credit this organization in helping establish my values as a designer, which I think are really critical.”

Maria Williford, OAC San Francisco

Additional Ways to Give

Shop at AmazonSmile and Amazon will donate to the Open Architecture Collaborative at no cost to you.

Sell on eBay Charity and donate a percentage of your sale to support the Open Architecture Collaborative.